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Necropoli Li Muri

Necropoli Li Muri

Address: Strada di Li Lolghi, 07021 Arzachena SS, Italia
Lat 41.0701478 Lng 9.3215755

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Necropoli Li Muri

The site includes many Neo-Eneolithic tombs: these are burials surrounded by stones (up to 5 concentric circles) and consists of five lithic boxes, four of which are surrounded by circles of stones embedded in the ground which, originally, delimited the mound in earth and rubble that was erected over the burial.
These tomb circles are the most important monumental complex left by what archaeologists have called the Culture of Arzachena dated to the second half of the fourth millennium BC.

The boxes are quadrangular in shape and are made up of stone slabs. Inside them the deceased was buried, who was accompanied by a funerary outfit including ceramics, stone vases, hatchets and vague necklaces in soapstone and semi-precious stones.

Both the architecture of the necropolis and the objects found show similarities with contemporary sites in Corsica and the Provencal and Pyrenean region.
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