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Area Archeologica “Su Nuraxi” di Barumini

Area Archeologica “Su Nuraxi” di Barumini

Address: Viale Su Nuraxi, 09021 Barumini SU
Lat 39.7061112 Lng 8.991139
Phone: +39 3771805443 +39 0709368128

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Barumini Area archeologica Su Nuraxi

Archaeological Area Su Nuraxi
Discovered and brought to light during the 1950s, during the excavations conducted by the great archaeologist Giovanni Lilliu, the area consists of an imposing complex nuraghe, built in different phases starting from the fifteenth century toC, and an extensive village of huts that developed all around over the following centuries

The Barumini complex is located in an area called Marmilla, in central-southern Sardinia, within the province of Medio Campidano
It is one of the 55 Italian sites included by UNESCO, since 1997, on the World Heritage list

The village is dominated by a majestic central nuraghe called "Su Nuraxi" which also derives the name of the complexInside the central tower, which preserves both floors intact, there is a crescent courtyard with a 20-meter deep wellIt was probably also the home of the dominus

Su Nuraxi presents a cultural stratification of over 2000 years, that is from 1500 toCin the 7th century dCAs far as its realization is concerned, different evolutionary phases can be distinguished from the structures and products of material cultureThe main material used for its construction is basalt, a very hard volcanic stone from the Giara plateau

Fonte: http://wwwfondazionebaruminiit/it/area-archelogica-su-nuraxi/
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