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Il Ghetto

Il Ghetto

Address: Via Santa Croce, 18, 09124 Cagliari CA, Italy
Lat 39.2204303 Lng 9.114685

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The area where the complex of buildings stands - in the past intended for military quarters - now known as the Ghetto, or Ghetto of the Jews, is located in Cagliari in the historic district of Castello.

The public complex was the subject of a conservative restoration which was completed in 2000.
Inside is the Museum of the Towers of the Castles of Sardinia, a permanent exhibition consisting of philological reconstructions on a scale, of considerable didactic effectiveness, which reproduce military artifacts belonging to different eras, built to defend Sardinia.

Other spaces host temporary exhibitions, performances and other musical and artistic events.

The Cultural Center has a large and suggestive panoramic terrace for receptions and convivial and cultural meetings, and is equipped with a teaching room and an equipped multimedia space.
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