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Grotte di Nettuno

Grotte di Nettuno

Address: /
Lat 40.5630343 Lng 8.164050
Phone: +39.368.353.6824 / +39.331.722.9999

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Grotte di Nettuno

Visiting the Neptune Caves of Alghero is one of those things that each of us should do at least once in a lifetimeWhy? Because they are the most famous in all of Sardinia and you have to go and see them with your own eyes to be able to admire its beauty and understand its charm

The history of the Grotte di Nettuno dates back to prehistoric timesSeveral traces, belonging to the Neolithic, found inside them, suggest that about 2 have passed000000 years since its formationIt is almost certain that primitive men knew and used them, according to their needs

The Caves of Neptune are not only the most famous but also the largestThey extend for about 4 km but for safety reasons tourists can only access a part of themIn addition to representing an important tourist destination and welcoming visitors from all over the world, the Caves of Neptune also constitute a destination of great attraction for speleologists, the only ones who can visit the most secret ravines

Fonte: http://wwwgrottedinettunoit/indexphp
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