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Spiaggia di Lu bagnu

Spiaggia di Lu bagnu

Address: Via Genova, 11, Lu Bagnu SS, Italia
Lat 40.906414 Lng 8.6892233
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Spiaggia di Lu Bagnu
Credits: Tripadvisor

Lu bagnu is one of the few beaches on the Castelsardo coast, for the rest consisting of high cliffs of red trachyte and small coves

At the beach, about two and a half kilometers from the village of Castelsardo, you can walk up a staircase directly from the town of Lu Bagnu, a hamlet of Castelsardo

Characterized by a fine cream-colored sand, perhaps not the most beautiful in Sardinia as colors, it still offers a crystalline seabed dotted with flat rocks in which underwater life abounds, making it a paradise for snorkelingIn addition, the low bottom that makes it optimal for families with children
There are also equipped establishments and a lot of free, clean beach

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